Cancer Full Moon Intention/Conjure Oil


πŸ¦€πŸŒ‘The Cancer Full Moon intention/conjure oil is specially curated harnessing the Cancer Full Moon's energy..focusing on emotional awareness, home protection, nourishment, preservation, care of life, and ability to take responsibility of your actions...integrity.

Cancers are known for being kind, loving, and empathetic. Like Cancer, this oil is made up of sweet and soft scented herbs which showcase their empathetic being and loving hearts. Includes hints of sweet orange, grapefruit, rose, frankincense, and other essential oils. Made with 100% organic ingredients including Jasmine flower, hawthorn leaf, calendula, chickweed, eucalyptus, and other natural herbs.

Use on your body, hair, wear as perfume..dress candles, setting your intentions...whatever your heart desires!! You have the power. The oil will enhance it.

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We make our intention oils and body butters in small batches, ensuring the freshness and superior quality of the product you are receiving. In addition, I pray and infuse each item with positive Reiki energy, as well as using natural elements to help energize the oils/products...whether it is energy from the Sun, the Moon..rain..whatever the case...making each item unique and powerful...ready for you to use and add your own energy. All items are made with love and pure love and light..always!!!