Waist Beads FAQ’s

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What are waist beads?

Waist beads are a traditional African accessory that are made of small beads on a string or wire and it is worn around the waist or hips.  Waist beads encompass feminine energy, fertility, sensuality and are believed to aid in one’s overall spiritual well-being. 

What are the benefits of waist beads?

Helps those who wear it, gauge their weight. Rather than going on a scale, waist beads serve as a body positive way to gauge one’s weight. If you eat a little too much, you can move the waist beads higher on your torso, if you lose weight, you will see the waist beads drop down.

Other parts of the world, waist beads are a symbol of womanhood/maturity/growth.  In West African traditions, waist beads were given to young women once they receive their first menstruation. This symbolized their passage into womanhood.

Waist beads are also believed to help aid in fertility, worn as an intimate object similarly like wearing lingerie. Waist beads are also believed to provide protection to women and a growing baby if she was pregnant.  It also serves to worship a woman’s womb, as it is where life begins.

Where/How Do I Place Waist Beads?

Tip: Before you put your beads on, I suggest that you cleanse it with Sea salt water, sage, or Palo Santo if you have it on hand. I always use Lunar energy after I make my products and I do use Reiki Energy to infuse it prior to sending it to clients, so it is already set with intentions. However, you can always set your intentions with your own energy to make it even more powerful to help aid you in your manifestations. There is no wrong or right way to do it. Say a prayer for protection or to aid in prosperity, abundance, love, and whatever else your heart desires 😊

As seen in the diagram, you can place the waist beads anywhere on your torso. If you are a beginner and aren’t used to wearing waist beads, it is recommended that you wear it a little higher than your belly button. As you get more comfortable and used to it, you can wear it below the belly button or on your hips. It all depends on your preference. Remember, waist beads are worn under your clothes, so factor in your outfits, if you’ll be wearing jeans, or anything that can snag the waist beads.

Once you determine where you want to place your beads, tie it in about 3-4 knots. You may need help from another person if you have difficulty with this. You want to ensure that it is tied and secured and will not come apart. Once it is secured and in place, you are ready to rock your waist beads!! Take care of them, be mindful, and enjoy them as you walk in your energy!  

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